Documentation Fundamentals Rates Prices


The way you define how the shipping rate for an order should be totaled comes in the form of Prices. Though you will see many different examples of prices throughout this page, here are a few guidelines that apply to them all:

  • All prices work independently
  • If no prices apply to a shipping rate, the rate will not show
  • All prices that apply are added together to form the shipping rate total

Applies to settings

Applies to: Flat rate

This is the simplest, default shipping price that comes with every new rate. If you do not add any restrictions (or if those restrictions are satisfied) it will add a flat amount to the shipping rate total no matter how many products are ordered, what they weigh, or how much they cost.

Applies to: Products

Product Prices applies to shipping that require restrictions, exclusions, or dynamically calculated costs.


  • Products

    Product restrictions control what products this price should apply to or what products should be exempt. Any products pass this restriction will be included in the price’s calculation.

    For more information about how to set up product-specific prices, please see our detailed documentation here: Product-Specific Shipping Prices

  • Destinations

    Similarly, destination restrictions allow you to fine-tune where this price should be available.

    For more information about how to set up destination-specific prices, please see our detailed documentation here: Destination-Specific Shipping Prices

How to charge:

A dropdown labeled, "How to charge," with the options Flat rate, Weight based, Price based, and Item based

Weight based

A weight-based price will increase the shipping total based on how heavy the products that apply to this rule are. This calculation can be further defined in three ways:

  • Per Kilogram
    Here you enter how much should be charged for the total weight of products that apply to this rule. You may also enter an upper or lower weight limit for this price
  • Tiered Prices
    If your products fall into specific weight tiers before the shipping rate increases, use this setting.
    • Minimum Weight: weights that match this amount or above will count for this tier
    • Maximum Weight: weights up to and including this amount will count for this tier Example of weight tiers increasing by 50kg each tier

  • Tiered by Destination
    Similar to tiered prices, this strategy gives you the additional option of describing what city or postal code each weight tier should apply to. With tiered by destination rules you can build rate cards similar to those used by shipping carriers:
    Generic example of specific shipping cost tiers per post code

Please see our full guide on prices tiered by delivery area here!

Price (cost) based

A price-based price will increase the shipping total based on the total price of products (before taxes and discounts) that apply to this rule. This calculation can be further defined in three ways:

  • Per $ (or your default currency)
    Here you enter how much should be charged based on the price total of products that apply to this rule. You may also enter an upper or lower amount for this price
  • Tiered Prices
    If your products fall into specific amount ranges before the shipping rate increases, use this setting.
    • Minimum Price: product or cart prices that match this amount or above will count for this tier
    • Maximum Weight: product or cart prices up to and including this amount will count for this tier Example of price tiers increasing by $50 each tier

  • Tiered by Destination
    Similar to tiered prices, this strategy gives you the additional option of describing what city or postal code each amount range should apply to. With tiered by destination rules you can build rate cards similar to those used by shipping carriers:
    Generic example of specific shipping cost tiers per post code

Please see our full guide on prices tiered by delivery area here!

Item (quantity) based

An item-based price will increase the shipping total based on the number of products that apply to this rule. This calculation can be further defined in three ways:

  • Per item
    Here you enter how much should be charged based on the number of products that match this rule. You may also enter an upper or lower amount of items for this price to apply
  • Tiered Prices
    If your product count falls into specific ranges before the shipping rate increases, use this setting.
    • Minimum number: item counts that match this amount or above will count for this tier
    • Maximum number: item counts up to and including this amount will count for this tier Example of price tiers increasing by 50 items each tier

  • Tiered by Destination
    Similar to Tiered Prices, this strategy gives you the additional option of describing what city or postal code each item count should apply to. With tiered by destination rules you can build rate cards similar to those used by shipping carriers:
    Generic example of specific shipping cost tiers per post code

Please see our full guide on prices tiered by delivery area here!

Control when rates show Metafield Restrictions